Today we celebrate International Women’s Day, the accomplishments of women. From the IWD website:

Equality versus Equity: What’s the difference as we #EmbraceEquity for IWD 2023 and beyond?

The words equity and equality are often used interchangeably.

Etymologically, the root word they share is aequus, meaning “even” or “fair” or “equal” – which led to equity being from the Latin aequitas, and equality from aequalitas. Yet, despite these similarities, equity and equality are inherently different concepts, and the IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme seeks to help forge worldwide conversation about this important issue and its impact.

So, what’s the difference between equity and equality – and why is it important to understand, acknowledge and value this?

The IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme seeks to get the world talking about why “equal opportunities are no longer enough” – and can in fact be exclusionary, rather than inclusive.

Women have made great strides in industries there were once dominated by men. Yet there are still Glass Ceilings and unequal pay. A female CEO or construction worker was unheard of just a few decades ago. Now it is becoming commonplace and growing. More and more women are opening successful enterprises with an “I can” attitude.

The New Berlin High Schools Alumni Foundation is honored to have six women on our Board of Directors. Their guidance is helping us attain our goals and insuring that the Foundation Scholarships are carried well into the future. Their mix of business and personal backgrounds has made the New Berlin High Schools Alumni Foundation a well-rounded organization.

Thank you for your dedication!